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Judo from its very beginning has been a self-defense and combat discipline. The original Judo from Jigoro Kano was and still is a full featured combat discipline which formed the basis for many Military and Police tactics around the world.

Judo served well as an official system of Japanese Imperial armed forces and Japanese police. In 1886 the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Academy hosted a tournament between the Kodokan (The Kodokan Institute, is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community in Japan.) and the prominent Jujutsu style, to determine which "style" the Academy would adopt into their training regimen. Out of the tournament's 15 matches the Kodokan won 12 and had 1 draw. The reason why the Kodokan was so successful at this historic meeting lies in one word: Randori. Randori or free sparring trained Kanos judokas in as close to real life and death combat as possible.

Judo was probably the first Japanese martial art introduced to the west, most notably through the U.S. military in the modern era. As American GIs were introduced to the Japanese culture from the early 1900’s onward it was inevitable that the martial art of Judo found its way into the American culture.

CPT. Allen Corstorphin Smith of the United States Army trained at the Kodokan in Japan. CPT. Smith was awarded a  judo black belt from the Kodokan in Japan in 1916 and was the hand to hand combat instructor at the Infantry school at ft, Benning Georgia.

Various aspects of Judo were taught to all U.S. military police as an effective way to deal with arresting and controlling drunken, brawling GIs without seriously harming them.  The great Judo legend Masahiko Kimura shared a story in his biography about being approached shortly after WWII in the summer of 1946 by a Capt. Shepherd of the U.S. Military Police to train Military Police personnel in Judo.

The United States Air Force has at times in its history been at the forefront of Combatives Training. Soon after the establishment of the Air Force as a separate service in September 1947, GEN Curtis Lemay was appointed as the Commanding General of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). GEN Lemay, who had masterminded the US air attacks on the Japanese mainland during World War II, knew that more US bomber groups in Europe had suffered more combat casualties than the US Marine Corps had in the pacific. Many of the lost Airmen ended up as German Prisoners of War. He was determined that all of his flying personnel would have a working knowledge of hand-to-hand combat to aid in escape and evasion.

In 1951 GEN Lemay appointed Emilio "Mel" Bruno, his Judo teacher and a former national American Athletic Union (AAU) Wrestling champion and fifth degree black belt in Judo, to direct a command wide Judo and combative measures program. He devised a program combining techniques from Aikido, Judo and Karate. In 1952 the Air Training Command took over the program. The Commanding General was General Thomas Power. Because of the deficiency in qualified instructors, Power sent two classes of twenty four Airmen to train at the Kodokan for several weeks. Based upon the success of this trial and after an official delegation from the Kodokan toured SAC bases in the United States, Bruno set up an eight week training course at the Kodokan. Students trained eight hours a day, five days a week and upon return to the United States were assigned throughout SAC. The course was a Japanese designed mix of judo, aikido, karate and taihojutsu.

From 1959 to 1966 the Air Force Combative Measures (Judo) Instructors Course was taught at Stead Air Force Base in Reno Nevada. The 155 hour course consisted of: 36 hours fundamentals of judo, 12 hours aikido, 12 hours karate, 12 hours Air Police Techniques, 12 hours Aircrew self-defense, 18 hours judo tournament procedures, 5 hours code of conduct and 48 hours training methods. There were also a 20 hour Combative methods course and a 12 hour Combative survival course for Aircrew members.

Being recognized as so effective in combat, Judo became the basis for most of the hand-to-hand combat skills taught to soldiers in basic training throughout all branches of the U.S. military.

Combatives, US Army Field Manual FM3-25-150, Department of the Army, 18 January 2002, Washington D.C.

 "Strikes are an inefficient method of ending a fight. However, they are a significant part of most fights, and a solider must have an understanding of fighting at striking range. It is important to note that while at striking range, you are open to being struck. For this reason, it is often better to avoid striking range."

US Marine Corps Close Combat, MCRP 3-02, Department of the Navy, 12 February 1999, Washington D.C.

 "Marines should avoid being on the ground during a close combat situation because the
battlefield may be covered with debris and there is an increased risk of injury. However, many close combat situations involve fighting on the ground. The priority in a ground fight is for Marines to get back on their feet as quickly as possible."

Judo is a sport but it is much more "combatives" oriented.  The judoka trains at grappling range, a close quarter combat range developing avenues to quickly put an end to a hand to hand or close quarter combat situation. Current Judo rules on groundwork foster such a mindset – execute and explode into a groundwork submission technique in a matter of seconds or get back on your feet.  Judo also prepares you mentally and physically to withstand the rigors of an assault. There is a reason that old school law enforcement and the United States military taught Judo...IT WORKS.

Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. U.S. Marine Corps

"Judo instruction is one of the high spots in the life of the latest addition to the Leatherneck Marines here. An instructor shows a recruit how to make the enemy's bayonet useless. Cpl. Arvin Lou Ghazlo, USMC, giving judo instructions to Pvt. Ernest C. Jones, USMCR.", 04/1943


By Barron Shepherd

             It has been a long while since I have written on my judo blog page but it seemed appropriate that I start back posting. I am now 50 years old and still training in judo starting a new judo program in my hometown and even more appropriately in the exact same place where I learned judo. So I am highly stoked highly motivated. So here is my rant for the day. 

 For everyone who told me that 50 is old or those who call me an old man…. To the guys who are half my age and feel they are better stronger and faster because they're younger…. LISTEN UP!!! The question isn't can I keep up with guys half my age, the question is... CAN THEY KEEP UP WITH ME!

Don’t let others define who you are or what you want to do. Set your own goals. My goal in the martial arts has never been to be a 10th degree black belt or a GRAND MASTER. It has always been about being effective and being the best I can be. It hasn't been about riding the skirt tails of a known martial arts personality. It isn't about notoriety. It's not about having the biggest school with the most trophies. It has always been about blood sweat and tears hard training and putting in the work needed to be in shape and be the best that I can be.

 I didn't start training in judo until later in life. In 1991 at the age of 26, I stepped into a judo class for the first time. Judo was like no other style I had trained in and I was assured of two things by the Judo instructor; Rank would nt come easy nor would it come fast. I was told by the instructor that this would be an endeavor that would take years of hard work. My Judo instructor wasn't kidding.

Finally seven years later in 1998, I tested and was awarded shodan. I had never taken as much pride in achieving something as I did when I had achieved my shodan rank in Judo. I hold higher ranks in other styles but the rank I have been most proud of are the shodan and nidan ranks I attained in judo.

As I look back, my judo experience was like developing a taste for beer, at first it was tough and unpleasant but after awhile I got used to it and then eventually began to enjoy it. This however would take years of showing up to class. A lot of times during those I would ask myself, "what am I doing here?" Being too stubborn to quit after several years I attained brown belt. It was nt until brown belt that a love for judo developed. 

 I have been involved and trained in several martial arts, MMA, Wrestling, Kick boxing and boxing. However, if I was to compare all of my experiences and training I would say that Judo by far was the toughest. I am not putting the other styles down in any way. I enjoyed training in each and everyone of them. But Judo offered the ultimate in every aspect of sports, martial arts and self defense.

Judo prepares you mentally and physically to withstand the rigors of an assault. There is a reason that old school law enforcement and military taught Judo...it works. It’s  a more complete close quarter combat system and combat sport because it has both standing and ground fighting skills. Judo also provides a better sense of true accomplishments because there is no “make believe” in its training. There is no faking it. You throw and you get thrown, in either situation it requires skill in technique and mental and physical toughness.

There is fit and there is “fighting fit. There are individuals who are fit for their chosen sport or activity and then there are those who are fit for fighting. Judo falls into the latter category. Judo uses finesse but, requires a high degree of other attributes like strength, power, endurance, speed, et You cannot be successful in judo and be out of shape. I don't do judo to get in shape. I get in shape to be good at judo. 

The physical demands of Judo are unique and rather complex.  A Judo fight is too long to be pure anaerobic effort, but too intense to be aerobic purely. Part of what makes judo so tough is the fact that rounds require five minutes of constant contact between competitors. 

Judo is more difficult than MMA or any other martial art.  When it comes to sparring for MMA during practice sessions, competitors rarely give 100 percent to prevent injury. Judo is a rigorous and demanding physical activity. In judo practice you can give 100 percent and engage with your opponent constantly using everything you have physically in randori/free practice/sparring.  In MMA one is able to train in different techniques and disciplines which make MMA “more forgiving on the body than judo.

In Olympic-style wrestling there are three two-minute periods with one-minute breaks between rounds… For boxing, you fight for three minute rounds with a one minute rest between rounds. In boxing, you can just stand in front of your opponent lay on the ropes or just dance around and or pace yourself.  In Brazilian jiujutsu you can get into positions and rest and pace yourself. You can be on your back in the guard and reserve energy while as your opponent expends his.

In judo there are no rounds or periods or rest. A Judo match can consist of five to ten minute time frames, when compared to other sports activities, the aerobic demands of judo are quite intense. The time involved is often greater than the time of an Olympic 1500 meter race.

The demands on the grip are very high Judo players pull and tug on each other’s jackets incessantly. Grips, grip strength and grip fighting remain constant and consistent thru ought the match not allowing the judo competitor to rest of coast during a match pace themselves. High tension and power moves are to be expected and performed at almost any moment.

Even a decent local level player needs to be able to do five to seven minutes of frequent high intensity bursts. Wear and tear on the body is an issue, one that will pervade all aspects of training. While one of the best ways to train for judo competition is to hit the mat, not everyone has the body to withstand dozens of hard falls each day from the dynamic throws found in the sport. In addition, judo requires at least one willing partner who is able to absorb the same, if not more, punishment from the player.

 You become tough with Judo physically and mentally. Physically you have to endure regular pain in Judo.  You have to overcome someone trying to throw you, choke you, arm lock, pin you, you get slammed, you face exhaustion, you deal with someone's weight on top on you in newaza or ground fighting . Mentally enduring all this competitiveness makes you competitive. 

At the age of 50 I am still training and setting new goals, challenging myself both mentally and physically. I am a guy who believes that hard work keeps a man honest. I don't really care about what others may say about me good or bad. I am always doing my own thing and I am cool with that. Life is just too damn short to let others hold you back.

Defiance is ageless. You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Be a wolf, be a lion, set goals and smash them. Take advantage of no one. Don't lie. Be a better person. Live right. Eat right. Take no shit. Don't apologize for being awesome. Defy the odds and most importantly stay the course.